I will write a script in php, javascript and consult

I will write in php, javascript (using plain js or libraries like jquery, dojo, bootstrap), work with different databases mysql, postgresql, sqlite etc, integrate webservices and APIs, create APIs from scratch based on your specifications and many other things.The code will be professionally organized, well commented and supported.
Please, note that it is very important to provide all details before an order is submitted.
If work is not time consuming I always complete asap.
My rate is 40$ per hour. For orders which require time I can make discount (everything is negotiable). For a single gig (5$) I can do something that takes not more then 5 minutes.
Please, don't order anything without contacting me.

deciso:Great work. Evertyime again from my side.
ruslancer:Thank you!
mr_garnier:Fast and excellent work.
ruslancer:Thank you!
romerolins:Thanks amigo, fast and easy to work with!

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