I will fix any css, html, css layout, bootstrap, wordpress css, w3c

1. We can help you with almost any CSS problems.
2. PSD to HTML or Bootstrap
3. W3C validator issues
4. HTML lint issues
5. CSS lint issues
6. Responsiveness
7. Clearfix, Overflow, Space issues
8. Responsive text
9. CSS animation
10. Safari mobile browser issue. Any cross browser fixes.
11. Grunt or gulp or yeoman configuration for automation of CSS pre-processing and complete workflow
We try our best in investigating and fixing issues because not everything out on the web we may be able to fix. Some fixes may require multiple gigs. We will help you with these things once you contact us.
Thank you!
Note: HTML code, CSS border, CSS background image, CSS button, Form, Tabs, select, select2, filter, w3c validator, table CSS, CSS menu, CSS colour, CSS vendor prefixing, equal height, vertical-align middle, CSS positioning, link CSS, hover CSS, transition CSS, CSS animation, CSS spinner, CSS List, CSS Align, CSS Display, CSS nowrap, CSS margin, CSS float, CSS overflow, CSS Box Shadow, CSS gradient. Almost anything in CSS and HTML

emmanuel_pross:great to work with
crispedge:You are welcome.
misho125:Awesome! Thank you
crispedge:Outstanding Experience!
misho125:Thank you for all your help!

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