I will convert psd to html with responsive design

This is Rajon, an expert in PSD slicing, looking forward to doing Consulting, Coding, and Customer care for your beautiful HTML5 site from PSD. However, I’ve experienced in HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and WordPress. So, I think these are enough to perfectly slice your PSDs to HTML.
Why will you choose my GIG:
o Quickly convert PSDs to HTML
o Improve your PSD before converting
o CSS3 Animations, jQuery effects, debug your website
o Using CSS Media Queries for responsive issue
o All code is hand-coded, Pixel perfect amp; Typography based
o 100% SEO friendly coding
o Cross browser compatibility amp; W3C validate codes
I like to be honest to my words:
3-month free maintenance
24/7 support
Not satisfied, I will refund.
N.B: Please choose the pricing list, though I can customize the price according to your job.
Finally, you can consult with me about your website planning, without any Fee! So again, don’t be hesitated to contact.
Best Wishes,

mjamalm:As always, Rajjohin makes excellent deliveries.\n\nHIghly recommend for his high quality job
rajjohin:Thank you so much, wish to work with you again.
catalingacms:just fantastic
rajjohin:Thank you, don't worry about anything. Just knock me over there. I will definitely work for you.
mjamalm:I got amazed by the quality of first delivery of Rajjohin. He listened to my feedback and worked closely on it.\n\nFor sure he is my favorite psd to CSS gig provider here on Fiverr.

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